083 250 2007 brad@bradnathanson.co.za

Possible Rioting 02 August 2021
230px-Tyson_vs_Botha[1] The one good thing that came out of the recent unrest was that we got to meet the people who live in our community; those who stood at the coalface. Night after night I noticed this man standing at the various check-points of the...
Nothing but the truth – Arrest of Glen Galley
The Rich, Galley, Brits and Nathanson story This is not how I planned my day this day. It was Thursday 16 February 2017 at about 16h00. We were wound up for the day this day already when I received a call from a detective from the SAPS who was not known to me. He said...
Siam Lee Killer accused appears in court
News 24 2018-01-22 Mxolisi Mngadi Durban – The man accused of the murder of 20-year-old Siam Lee appeared in the Durban Magistrate's Court on Monday in connection with eight charges, including kidnapping. Cebolenkosi Philani Gift Ntuli, 29, is in custody at...
Meet the private eye who helped find Siam Lee’s alleged killer
Sunday Times 19 January 2018 BY SUTHENTIRA GOVENDER Private investigator Brad Nathanson vowed not to shave until there was an arrest in the Siam Lee murder case. On Thursday morning the Durban-based PI was finally able to put a blade to his two-week-old beard....
Death of two people after a party in Sheffield Beach, Dolphin Coast, KZN – 2012
e-News covers the story. Published on 31 Jan 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRkzJaQ-BoA
The murder of Catherine Krog
Brad Nathanson Interview On 8 September 2011 Cat Krog (28) was shot inside the security complex where she lived. Her murderer, Clint Walley, shot himself afterwards. Published on 15 Sep 2011 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vz8DBxOQTWo
Brad Nathanson “Show Me The Company You Keep & I Will Show You Your Future”
Durban – Ecstasy -Teenagers – 16 June 2016 – Brad Nathanson
A five minute chat with Brad about the crimes making the headlines, what we can do about it, and a little about the investigator behind the investigations. Published on 12 April 2013 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GBuXO-Oi2E

Brad Nathanson is PSIRA Registered : Reg # 242219
Phone: 083 250 2007
Email: brad@bradnathanson.co.za
© Brad Nathanson Investigations 2021